
How Can You Tell Your Car Is Having Exhaust Issues?

Exhaust issues with your car are worse news than you might expect. It’s terrible for the environment, for starters, but it also can do engine damage eventually. That’s a problem that Sullivan’s Auto Service & Tire Pros wants to help you to avoid if at all possible.

The Engine Is Super Loud

Your car’s engine is loud anyway, but you usually don’t notice that. You have your car’s exhaust system to thank for that. The problem occurs when you have an issue somewhere in the exhaust system, because that ends up letting some of that noise out where you can hear it more readily. Extra or increased noise is a warning sign you need to investigate.

Or Super Stinky

Another big warning sign of exhaust trouble is exhaust smell. Again, your car’s exhaust system is designed to do a really good job with converting seriously toxic fumes to fumes that are less toxic and less smelly. So, if you’re smelling more exhaust than usual or you’re smelling exhaust fumes in the passenger area of the car, that’s really not great news.

The Check Engine Light Turned On

Your car’s onboard computer is going to let you know whenever there’s something going on that is likely to affect engine performance, and that includes problems with the exhaust system. If you do see the check engine light, the problem might still be a small one. Ignoring the light or being scared to get the light checked out is going to guarantee that the problem will get worse, however, so don’t do that.

You’re Buying Way More Gas

Are you keeping track of your fuel mileage at all? Lots of car owners don’t, but it’s a valuable source of information. When you see that your gas mileage has dropped way down, you may have a problem with the exhaust system. There could be a few other possible causes, so it’s worth having the situation inspected. Apps that help you track your fuel mileage are really easy to use and keep those numbers within easy reach at all times.

Not sure if your car’s exhaust system is okay or not? Don’t take chances with something as important as your car’s exhaust system. Call us today at Sullivan’s Auto Service & Tire Pros in Seaside, CA. We’ll diagnose the problem for you and make sure that your car is back in proper working order quickly and safely. 

Photo by Khaligo from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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